3 Tips to Supercharge Your Biellmann Spin: Get Faster and More Fluid

July 23, 2024

Alexandra Trusova ©Pinterest

The Biellmann spin, a breathtaking display of flexibility and control, is a cornerstone of any figure skater’s repertoire. But mastering that lightning-fast entry and smooth rotation can feel like an uphill battle. Fear not, fellow skaters! Here are 3 key tips to propel your Biellmann spin to new heights of speed:

1. Perfect Your Entrance Technique:

  • Explosive Push: A powerful initial push sets the stage for a faster spin. Focus on fully extending your pushing leg and engaging your core for maximum transfer of energy into the spin.
  • Sharp Pick Entry: Aim for a clean pick entry onto your back blade. A wobbly entry will rob you of precious momentum. Practice one-footed glides on your back blade to refine your edge control.
  • Snap Up Quickly: Don’t waste time transitioning from the push to the Biellmann position. Snap your free leg up swiftly, aiming for a high hold on the boot or ankle. The quicker you achieve the full position, the faster you’ll start spinning.

2. Develop Core Strength and Flexibility:

  • Strong Core Equals Stability: A rock-solid core is essential for maintaining a tight spin position and preventing wobbles. Engage your core muscles throughout the entire spin, keeping your back flat and your shoulders down.
  • Superior Flexibility is Key: The deeper your back bend, the closer your free leg gets to your back, reducing air resistance and allowing for faster spins. Work on your back flexibility through stretches like plow pose and pike variations.

3. Practice Entry Variations and Drills:

  • One-Footed Biellmann Drills: Practice holding the Biellmann position while gliding on one foot. This isolates the core engagement and leg hold needed for a fast spin.
  • Entrance from a Spread Eagle: Try entering the Biellmann from a spread eagle position. This variation helps develop the flexibility and coordination required for a quick snap-up.
  • Mirror Practice: Watch yourself in the mirror while practicing your entry and Biellmann position. This allows you to identify areas for improvement and ensure your body is aligned for optimal speed.

Bonus Tip: Don’t forget to breathe! Holding your breath can restrict core engagement and hinder your overall performance. Breathe steadily throughout the spin to maintain proper oxygen flow.

Remember, mastering the Biellmann spin takes time and dedication. Be patient, consistent in your practice, and focus on these key elements to see a significant improvement in your entry speed and overall spin control. With dedication, you’ll be executing breathtaking Biellmanns in no time!

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3 Tips to Supercharge Your Biellmann Spin: Get Faster and More Fluid

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